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a muscle, gland, cell, etc. capable of responding to a stimulus.
a state or behaviour toward which a dynamic system tends to evolve, represented as a point or orbit in the system's phase space. System values that get close enough to the attractor values remain close even if slightly disturbed.
a person or animal that holds another captive.

Written for recorder, dancer, and electronics, this work explores power, the abuse of power, and its consequences. Utilising high-accuracy motion tracking and live digital processing, the acoustic sound of the recorder is captured, transformed, and ultimately destroyed by the physical actions of a dancer.


- New Zealand premiere at the Zeitgeist New Music Concert, The Audio Foundation, November 22, 2019

- Performed at NZ Musicology Society Conference, University of Auckland, New Zealand, November 30, 2019

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©2020 by Clovis McEvoy

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